07/06/04 Rd#1 A.M.A. MX National Hangtown OHV Park Rancho Cordova, California May 16th, 2004 Fast50s rider's race Rd. #1 of the AMA National Series!! Fast50s rider Steve Lamson and Evan Laughridge have off days at Hangton National MX in Scaramento May 17th Hangtownmx.com/Fast50s.com/FastMinis.com rider Steve Lamson finihed 7th in moto #1 and 29th in Moto 2 for 16th O/A, while Fast50s.com rider Evan Laughridge finished 29th and 39th which is no sign of how fast he is. Evan is a shredder!! That was our guys in the 125cc class. We also had #402 Ryan Abrigo in the 250 class, Ryan was riding very well in moto #1 until he slid out going down a really fast downhill, was a bit funny watching Ryan dodge all the other riders as he tried to pick up his Sundowner/Fast50s backed Suzuki Rm250. Ryan ended up 31st and 24th for 29th overall while #87 Jeff Gibson went 21/36 for 39th O/A. :) Hangtown was a great race and we are looking forward to getting out to see more later on in the year.
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